Boosting your growth
Personality Development
IEMT as a tool in personality development
IEMT also works effectively with self-development, as it often becomes somewhat disrupted by structural emotional complaints. Also, somatic complaints (physical pain related to emotion) are often an excellent entry point to resolve emotional complaints, and therefore some of the physical complaints. Consider back pain, severe fatigue or residual pain from hip surgery.
Systemic work
If it suits you, I can also use IEMT with you on more abstract and subtle levels. This has similarities to systemic work (such as family constellations). For example: you would like to make your relationship with a parent more pleasant for yourself. Or want to work on your self-confidence. Or process what a particular illness has done to you.

Curious how IEMT helps you change?
Want to know if IEMT is right for you? In what ways can you grow with IEMT?
Email or app me for a no-obligation, phone consultation:
Or: call or Whatsapp me 06 – 21833535

Boosting your growth
Personality Development
I.E.M.T. as a tool in personality development
I.E.M.T. also works effectively with self-development, as it is often inhibited by structural, emotional complaints. Also, somatic complaints (physical pain related to emotion) are often an excellent entry point to resolve emotional complaints, and therefore some of the physical complaints. Consider back pain, severe fatigue or residual pain from hip surgery.

Systemic work
If it suits you, I can also use I.E.M.T. with you on more abstract and subtle levels. This has similarities to systemic work (such as family constellations). For example: you would like to make your relationship with a parent more pleasant for yourself. Or want to work on your self-confidence. Or process what a particular illness has done to you.
Want to know if I.E.M.T. is right for you?
Or helps in your situation? Email or app me for a no-obligation, phone consultation:
email to
Or: call or Whatsapp me 06-21833535