Face your Power


IEMT as a development tool
IEMT is a powerful tool for bringing about change and growth. For people who want to get EVERYTHING out of themselves: function even better, go for top performance and develop themselves to the maximum.
IEMT facilitates a worker who:

  • accelerated development and growth seeks: together I explore with your employee what is in the way of moving in (even) more or differently. And thus achieve better performance that requires less effort.
  • Has advanced to another position (level) and wants to function optimally in her/his new role as soon as possible

Ook bij (dreigend) verzuim is IEMT een snelle manier om weer op oud niveau – of beter – te functioneren. IEMT is bijvoorbeeld effectief bij:

  • burnout or threat of it
  • Long-term peak load (work or personal)
  • occasional private circumstances that affect functioning (divorce, illness or death of a loved one)

Overall: IEMT increases personal effectiveness in terms of load capacity, agility and ability to act.

Everyone has some degree of neuroplasticity: your brain’s natural ability to let go of non-serving things, grow and change. IEMT allows you to reach your maximum growth potential. IEMT makes you even more powerful, more chargeable for new things by shedding old ballast, and it makes you agile and flexible. And that is what is “key” in this rapidly changing society.

Through an IEMT program, an employee increases her/his capacity to solve complex problems quickly, creativity is increased and they can move more quickly through and adapt to a rapidly changing (work) environment.

Discover how maximum brain performance of your employees, impact your business success!

Want to know more?
Call or email me for a no-obligation, phone consultation.
Eline Wessels | IEMTmetEline@gmail.com
Call me or Whatsapp 06 – 21833535


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