Creating change and growth.
Fast and effective.
Breaking obstructive patterns.
Clearing out old emotions & beliefs.

On a subconscious level.
Becoming more powerful.



Creating change and growth | Fast and effective | Breaking obstructive patterns
Clearing old emotions & beliefs | On a deep and subconscious level | Becoming more powerful


Your subconscious brain is more powerful than you think. It determines almost everything of how you do things, feel and therefore think. IEMT is a change method that opens your true personal potential. It works on the basis of neuroplasticity: your brain’s natural ability to let things go, grow and change. IEMT stands for: Integral Eye Movement Techniques and was developed by Andrew Austin in 2006, England.

All your life experiences are stored in your subconscious brain: positive and negative. But it is precisely these negative emotions and limiting beliefs and patterns that block the full potential of your brain. By changing these negative emotions, beliefs and patterns, you do come into your power and experience personal growth like never before.

Many people experience limiting emotions and patterns as something they can’t do much with. You try to deal with it as best you can, and at the same time, over time, you feel the same emotion hit you over and over again or you find yourself back in that one pattern. Sometimes you “solve” it by looking away or walking away from it.

But in fact, emotions are the messenger of your own ingenious brain. Your brain controls a particular emotion because you never properly processed the situation in which the emotion arose. And then your subconscious brain just whines until you look at your original problem. And processed these.

Your brain wants you to grow. Always. But how to move in this? And how do you do get past these ever-recurring, unhelpful emotions, beliefs and patterns?

IEMT facilitates and supports your personal growth in a fast and effective way.
Beyond your wildest dreams….

Ready to face your power?

Your subconscious brain is more powerful than you think. It determines almost everything of how you do things, feel and therefore think. IEMT is a therapeutic change method that opens up your true personal potential. It works on the basis of neuroplasticity: your brain’s natural ability to let things go, grow and change. IEMT stands for: Integral Eye Movement Therapy and was developed in 2006, in England.

All your life experiences are stored in your subconscious brain: positive and negative. But it is precisely these negative emotions and limiting beliefs and patterns that block the full potential of your brain. By changing these negative emotions, beliefs and patterns, you do come into your power and experience personal growth like never before.

Many people experience limiting emotions, thoughts and patterns as something they can’t do much with. You try to deal with it as best you can, and at the same time, over time, you feel the same emotion hit you over and over again or you find yourself back in that one pattern. Sometimes you “solve” it by looking away or walking away from it.

But in fact, emotions are the messenger of your own ingenious brain. Your brain controls a particular emotion because you never properly processed the situation in which the emotion arose. And then your subconscious brain just whines until you look at your original problem. And processed these. Your brain wants you to grow. Always. But how to move in this? And how do you get past these ever-recurring, unhelpful emotions, beliefs and patterns?
IEMT facilitates and supports your personal growth in a fast and effective way. Beyond your wildest dreams….

Ready to face your power?

Too fast, too soon, too much

the new IEMT

Whether you are small or mature, sometimes a situation is too much to handle all at once. It may involve one specific experience: for example, a bite from a dog or an inappropriate touch. But you also develop processing problems in long-term unpleasant situations, such as condescending language in a love relationship or a work or school situation in which you are not fully seen and you no longer dare to be yourself.

Emergence of a negative pattern
The unpleasant situation or event overwhelms you and your brain fails to adequately process all the stimuli. Your subconscious or your body come to the rescue and store the remaining stimuli for you. But when a similar situation occurs again, you get caught up in this feeling again and faster. This creates a negative pattern that costs you more and more energy and hinders your development.

Integral Eye Movement Techniques (IEMT) looks for all the conscious, but especially unconscious memories associated with your negative pattern. And once we find them, we don’t just negate their power by making certain eye movements. Also, immediately, during treatment, processing of the original event occurs. This allows you to grow more easily and live more positively.

Yes. Fast? Yes, also quickly. Strange? Not when you know that your R.E.M. sleep does something similar every night. And that your subconscious drives about 95% of your doings.

Too fast, too soon, too much

Experience the new IEMT

Whether you are small or mature, sometimes a situation is too much to handle all at once. It may involve one specific experience: for example, a bite from a dog or an inappropriate touch. But you also develop processing problems in long-term unpleasant situations, such as condescending language in a love relationship or a school situation in which you are not fully seen and you no longer dare to be yourself.

Emergence of a negative pattern
The unpleasant situation or event overwhelms you and your brain fails to adequately process all the stimuli. This is the definition of trauma. Trauma can be a one-time event or a repetitive thing. Trauma can be small or large. Your subconscious or your body come to the rescue and store the remaining stimuli for you. But when a similar situation occurs again, you get caught up in this feeling again and faster. This creates a negative pattern that costs you more and more energy and hinders your development.

Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT) looks for all the conscious, but especially unconscious memories associated with your negative pattern. Once we find them, we not only negate their power by making certain eye movements. Processing of the original event also occurs immediately during the session. This allows you to grow more easily and live more positively.

Yes. Fast? Yes, also quickly. Strange? Not when you know that your R.E.M. sleep does something similar every night. And that your subconscious drives about 95% of your doings.

READ MORE about:

IEMT – session
IEMT & personality development

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Body , mind & spirit

IEMT | Applications

IEMT stands for Integral Eye Movement Therapy. I use IEMT as a therapeutic processing and change method for my clients. With the goal of personal growth and living as easily as possible.

IEMT works with body sensation: an emotion or a particular sensation in your body. Once the client is in touch with the relevant body sense, we can realize growth.

With IEMT, you don’t have to say much. This makes IEMT very suitable for young children, who are not yet sufficiently linguistic to talk about emotions. Or for teens who don’t want to share as much. Or for adults who are treatment-weary. Also, you don’t have to relive a stuck emotion or trauma for a long time during an IEMT session.

IEMT is effective in discovering your own growth potential and changing things you find difficult. IEMT works transformatively at:

  • reenergize
  • achieving personal and work goals
  • get back into your life force
  • limiting beliefs
  • identity issues such as feeling your own potential but staying stuck in old patterns
  • self-confidence & acceptance
  • physical complaints that have an emotional component
  • prevention of burnout
  • setting boundaries/ being able to be yourself
  • overstimulation & hypersensitivity

IEMT is also very effective for more therapeutic purposes, such as:

  • severe and mild trauma (single, complex or PTSD)
  • depressive feelings
  • tension & stress
  • anxiety and anger attacks
  • grief and illness processing

Body, mind & spirit


IEMT stands for Integral Eye Movement Techniques. I use IEMT as a change method for my clients. With the goal of personal growth and living as easily as possible.

IEMT works with body sensation: an emotion or a particular sensation in your body. Once a client is in touch with the relevant body sense, we can realize growth.

With IEMT, you don’t have to say much. This makes IEMT very suitable for young children, who are not yet sufficiently linguistic to talk about emotions. Or for teens who don’t want to share as much. Or for adults who are treatment-weary. Also, you don’t have to relive a stuck emotion or trauma for a long time during an IEMT session.

IEMT is effective in discovering your own growth potential and changing things you find difficult. IEMT works transformatively at:

  • reenergize
  • achieving personal and work goals
  • get back into your life force
  • limiting beliefs
  • identity issues such as feeling your own potential but staying stuck in old patterns
  • self-confidence & acceptance
  • physical complaints that have an emotional component
  • prevention of burnout
  • setting boundaries/ being able to be yourself
  • overstimulation & hypersensitivity

IEMT is also very effective for more therapeutic purposes, such as:

  • severe and mild traumas
  • depressive feelings
  • tension & stress
  • anxiety & anger attacks
  • grief and illness processing

READ MORE about I.E.M.T. in:

I.E.M.T. – session
Personality Development

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New to IEMT with Eline

Online IEMT

Since the first corona wave in 2020, I have been offering ONLINE IEMT sessions in addition to live sessions. New to the Netherlands and stimulated by the physical limitations of corona, IEMT ONLINE developed extra quickly in England, the birthplace of the IEMT method.

The modus operandi is a simplification of regular live sessions. Effectiveness continues to be high and clients are enthusiastic. You can read some client testimonials at the bottom of this page.

Benefits of online treatment

  • Immediate rest after session: IEMT can be exhausting
  • limit travel time: some pathways are sufficient with a limited number of live sessions, after which the rest of your pathway can be done online if you wish
  • Worldwide: some pathways suffice with online sessions only. A client can thus receive IEMT without having to live or be in the Netherlands. For example, I have clients in Uruguay, Spain, Italy, France, Germany and Lebanon.

How does it work?
As with a live session, I send a written intake in advance. If your issues prove appropriate to address online, we will schedule an initial online session. When the online session starts, we first check technique, lighting and how you are sitting. Then we practice how to make the eye movements in the session. Then we will discuss your intake and start the session. This lasts, like a live session, 60 minutes.

I work with Google Meet, a secure and web-based video conferencing tool. All you need is: a link, a desktop or laptop and a good Internet connection. If desired, I also do sessions in English.

Got interested?
Want to know more? Call or app me at 06 – 2183 3535.

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New to my practice

Online IEMT

Since the first corona wave in early 2020, I have been offering ONLINE IEMT sessions in addition to practice sessions. New to the Netherlands and stimulated by the physical limitations of corona, IEMT ONLINE developed extra quickly in England, the birthplace of the IEMT method.

The modus operandi is a simplification of regular practice sessions. The effectiveness is still good and clients are enthusiastic. You can read some client testimonials at the bottom of this page.

Benefits of online treatment

  • immediate rest after session: IEMT sessions can be exhausting
  • limitation of travel time: some trajectories suffice with a limited number of sessions in my practice. Not every client needs to come to my practice for every session
  • Worldwide: some pathways suffice with online sessions only. A client can thus receive IEMT without having to live or be in the Netherlands. For example, clients in Uruguay and Lebanon recently received IEMT through an online session.

How does it work?
As with a session in practice, I send a written intake in advance. If your issues prove appropriate to address online, we will schedule an initial online session. When the online session starts, we first check technique, lighting and how you are sitting. Then we practice how to make the eye movements in the session. Then we will discuss your intake and start the session. In total, as in my practice, this takes 60 to 75 minutes.

I work with Whereby, a secure and web-based videoconferencing tool. All you need is: a link, a desktop or laptop and a good Internet connection. If desired, I also do sessions in English.

Got interested?
Want to know more? Call or app me at 06 – 2183 3535.

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‘The online IEMT session was beyond expectations. I know that online or remote work is possible, but the intensity of the session and Eline’s very pleasant guidance absolutely surprised me. Many insights emerged that gave me room to develop further. IEMT is a new choice for me in cleaning up my undercurrent, the unconscious parts that play along on a daily level. I look forward to continuing down this path.

Heleen - entrepreneurial coach

‘The last few years of my life were marked by a high level of stress. As a therapist, I was able to resolve a lot myself and keep myself balanced, however, at a certain point I did not get further in my coping process, because your own so-called blind spots you cannot do yourself. Through two online sessions, Eline helped me go back to the beginning moments where the stress once built up in order to clean up from the source. Memories surfaced that I had not expected, and sometimes the memory was more palpable in my body than I had an image or words to go with it. […]

The 2nd session focused more on a physical complaint and disconnection from a person I was still getting a lot of stress from. Both sessions have made me feel lighter and more able to relax and surrender to the flow of life.’

Jolanda - therapist

‘The first sessions were personal, face-to-face. But ivm corona at some point we decided to switch to online sessions. At first I was a bit skeptical about this, but it also worked very well. You almost don’t realize they’re not ‘live’ sessions.

Annegien - coach

‘During my stay in Uruguay, the corona virus played up and the world went flat. My planned return trip was canceled and I suddenly had to make many different choices. It had quite an impact on my mental health. Because of the stress, I was no longer overseeing certain things and then I came to Eline’s online sessions through a mutual acquaintance. It triggered me and I thought maybe through this I can reduce my stress a bit. The idea of an online session appealed to me, because this way I could just talk to Eline in Dutch and do a session despite the distance.

Quite a few old hurts surfaced, which also affected the stress I was experiencing. We had a very pleasant session and the quality of the online session was beyond expectations. My sense of stress has been reduced considerably and I feel a lot freer and better since the session.’

Carina - photographer

‘Through a friend, I heard about IEMT. I went into it very open and uninhibited. What I wanted was to be able to connect with myself and not see myself from a distance all the time. So also finally regaining control of myself and not constantly “pleasing” and blowing with all the winds.

First we did a remote (corona time) introduction and then at another time the online training. Apart from the emotional part, I also had a physical reaction, literally feeling the energy flow and making a place for myself.

I look back on it with a very nice feeling. That one session certainly made an impression. Also, it is something that I take further with me in life. I would definitely recommend it to others. IEMT gives insight into yourself and helps you connect with yourself.’

Esther - administrative assistant

Give them roots & wings



Until about 6 years of age, all sensors in a child are fully open. This is how a child learns. They feel, see and hear everything around them. Often more than we adults realize. All of these early experiences are formative for a child. A simple, powerful and natural fact. Also, this makes a child vulnerable to a negative event. The breeding ground for a negative, emotional pattern can thus develop early on. For example, an intense goodbye from a parent when hospitalized or starting school leads to fear of being alone. Even later in life, of course, something can happen that affects a child too much. For example, being bullied or becoming insecure about his school performance makes a child insecure about himself.

Children let go of patterns faster than adults
Emotional patterns are often not as strongly ingrained in children because they are young and thus have not yet experienced much. As a result, IEMT can have an effect relatively quickly.

IEMT supports children with:

  • insecurity & fear of failure
  • tantrums
  • dejection
  • abdominal and headaches
  • stress
  • grief & mourning
  • separation anxiety
  • concentration problems
  • sleep problems & nightmares
  • hypersensitivity & overstimulation
  • unprocessed events

READ MORE about Children in:

Highly sensitive & HB

READ MORE about Children in:

Children | High sensitivity & HB

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Give them roots & wings


Until about 6 years of age, all sensors in a child are fully open. This is how a child learns. They feel, see and hear everything around them. Often more than we adults realize. All of these early experiences are formative for a child. A simple, powerful and natural fact. Also, this makes a child vulnerable to a negative event. The breeding ground for an apparently lifelong negative, emotional pattern can thus be established early on. For example, an intense goodbye from a parent when hospitalized or starting school leads to fear of being alone. Even later in life, of course, something can happen that affects a child too much. For example, being bullied or becoming insecure about his school performance makes a child insecure.

Children let go of patterns faster than adults
Emotional patterns are often not as strongly ingrained in children because they are young and thus have not yet experienced much. As a result, IEMT can have an effect relatively quickly.

IEMT supports children with

  • insecurity & fear of failure
  • tantrums
  • dejection
  • abdominal and headaches
  • stress
  • grief & mourning
  • separation anxiety
  • concentration problems
  • sleep problems & nightmares
  • hypersensitivity & overstimulation
  • unprocessed events

‘Eline has been to my home twice. She made me do all the exercises. For example: something with 2 fingers that I had to follow. If things went a little too fast, she slowed down. I feel much happier and happier because all those thoughts are out of my head. I can stand up for myself much better now. And I have fewer headaches.

My opinion of the IEMT: It was really fun though and it also helps a lot. I feel better now, except that as a child you do get tired quickly. My opinion of Eline: she is very sweet and calm and patient.’

Jesse - 11 years

‘Our 6-year-old daughter had tantrums. At the slightest thing, she could get extremely angry and then also beat around and break things. Eline approached her in a very pleasant and cautious way. Very nice because our daughter can be very shy.

Eline treated our daughter in 2 sessions. After this we noticed immediate results. She can still get angry, but not so extreme anymore. We also noticed that she no longer gets angry about things which would have caused an anger attack in the past. In addition, overall our daughter is happier and feels better about herself. Thank you Eline for your tremendous help!!!’

Maria - mother of Emma, age 6

Meet me…

About Eline

My interest in the psyche of human beings already manifested itself while studying Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam: I chose mainly the sociological and psychological subjects.

During my college years, I steered my own identity development. Due to the complexity of my family (Dutch-Indonesian-Indonesian), affected by a handful of war traumas, I became an experiencer in various therapeutic methods: cognitive behavioral therapy, REM & EMDR therapy, mindfulness and family constellations. I even tried regression therapy. After my studies, I also became interested in more physically-focused healing methods. Thus, I have done several Reiki courses (Tummo and Usui), Reconnective Healing and have been practicing yoga for many years.

Making meaning in my work
In my work, I was increasingly looking for a work environment in which meaning played a role. For example, I enjoyed working at an Interpolis health and safety service among doctors and other specialists helping sick employees. I also spent four months doing research in a home in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, for a foundation for children. And from 2008 to 2017, I lived as an expat in Indonesia and Turkey. Also during that period, I worked a lot for all kinds of social foundations, did research in Dutch and Indonesian archives and wrote my book about my complex and multicultural family’s wartime past.

Advanced IEMT Specialist
In recent years, I have specialized in IEMT and application for individuals. As of 2024, I work with colleague Veronique Eijkelkamp in business trajectories for executives, professionals and media personalities with ambition and guts. For when you want to grow and excel in your work and be a leader in your own field.

Training & Education
2024 (planned)
IEMT and Solution-Focused Work
IEMT and Personal Development

IEMT and Love
IEMT and Addiction
Elevate Program (Subconscious Mind Clearing & Personal Reconnection)
Introduction Biotensor/NEI

Masterclass in Character Structures with Meis Thewissen
Advanced IEMT with Andrew Austin
IEMT and Healthy Boundaries

Masterclass Trauma Tracks with Meis Thewissen
Working with Shame with Carolyn Spring
Emotion Code with Bradley Nelson

Introduction Metaphors of Movement with Sonia Richards
Advanced IEMT with Sonia Richards
IEMT Birth and Mission
NICBM How to work with clients who are stuck
NICBM How to work with a client’s resistance

IEMT Basic Practitioner Training with Anne ten Brinke

Since 2017 we have been living in the Netherlands again with our three children (10, 14 and 16 years old) due to their education. Currently, I mainly follow international developments in the field of innovative, preventive health and healing body-mind-spirit. For example, biotensor/NEI, Reconnective Healing, breathwork, somatic therapies and working with the fascia. And so avant-garde IEMT, which also happens to be very linguistic in nature and body-centered, is right up my alley.

Meet me…

About Eline

My interest in the psyche of human beings already manifested itself while studying Communication Science at the University of Amsterdam: I chose mainly the sociological and psychological subjects.

During my college years, I steered my own identity development. Due to the complexity of my family (Dutch-Indonesian-Indonesian), affected by a handful of war traumas, I became an experiencer in various therapeutic methods: cognitive behavioral therapy, REM & EMDR therapy, mindfulness and family constellations. I even tried regression therapy. After my studies, I also became interested in more physically-focused healing methods. Thus, I have done several Reiki courses (Tummo and Usui) and have practiced yoga for many years.

Making sense of my work
In my work, I was looking more and more for a work environment that involved meaning. For example, I enjoyed working at an Interpolis health and safety service among doctors and other specialists helping sick employees. I also spent four months doing research in a home in North Sulawesi, Indonesia, for a foundation for children. And from 2008 to 2017, I lived as an expat in Indonesia and Turkey. There I worked a lot for all kinds of social foundations, also doing research in Dutch and Indonesian archives and writing about the war past of my complex and multicultural family.

Advanced IEMT Specialist
In recent years, I have specialized in IEMT and application for individuals. As of 2024, I work with colleague Veronique Eijkelkamp in business trajectories for executives, professionals and media personalities with ambition and guts. For when you want to grow and excel in your work and be a leader in your own field.

Training & Education
IEMT and Solution Focused Working
IEMT and Personal Development (Ofmans’ Core Quadrants)

IEMT and Love
IEMT and Addiction
Elevate Program (Subconscious Mind Clearing & Personal Reconnection)
Introduction Biotensor/NEI

Masterclass in Character Structures with Meis Thewissen
Advanced IEMT with Andrew Austin
IEMT and Healthy Boundaries

Masterclass Trauma Tracks with Meis Thewissen
Working with Shame with Carolyn Spring
Emotion Code with Bradley Nelson

Introduction Metaphors of Movement with Sonia Richards
Advanced IEMT with Sonia Richards
IEMT Birth and Mission
NICBM How to work with clients who are stuck
NICBM How to work with a client’s resistance

IEMT Basic Practitioner Training with Anne ten Brinke

Since 2017 we have been living in the Netherlands again with our three children (10, 14 and 16 years old) due to their education. Currently, I mainly follow international developments in the field of innovative, preventive health and healing body-mind-spirit. For example, biotenstor/NEI, Reconnective Healing, breathwork, somatic therapies and working with the fascia. And so avant-garde IEMT, which also happens to be very linguistic in nature and body-centered, is right up my alley.

Experiences of others


‘Eline helped me a lot further in my grieving process with her knowledge, her personal experience and with her calm charisma. I felt safe and at ease with her during the treatments. She is open and made me feel accepting of my own process. At the same time, she took charge in a pleasant way.

The treatments have benefited me a lot. I feel like I can move on again. I have taken an important step in my own grief and thus my personal development.

Mirjam - psychologist

‘It cannot be captured in a few sentences how much the IEMT program has meant to me. What was most important to me is that Eline really saw me and handed me exactly what I needed. As a result, it felt like a collaboration.

Through Eline, I managed to fully face my traumatic childhood and dare to feel it down to every cell. This allowed me to process (all) stored pain and grief.

Never before have I achieved such great results. Indeed, to my mind I was out of treatment and my problems were too complex. Thanks to her expert and compassionate guidance, I no longer live in the past.

Yfke - creative entrepreneur

‘On the recommendation of a friend, I went to Eline. I wanted to work on myself and resolve any residual old pain. I wasn’t sure what would be there, but wanted to check and – where necessary – fix it.

In several sessions, Eline helped me tremendously by addressing issues, which were not sitting well. What struck me is that IEMT is a safe way and hardly needs any preparation. Eline knows after short conversations exactly, which things need attention. And very special things came up.

Eline is very knowledgeable, professional and has very great empathy. I can recommend it to anyone who wants to work on themselves or resolve trauma to do IEMT. Eline’s added value is extremely high.

All in all, I have been made blockade-free and am looking forward to the future!

Erwin - innovation manager

I met Eline by chance through my personal network. At that point, I got stuck in more ways than one. I couldn’t even begin to process multiple traumatic experiences from my past through regular counseling.

Although I was quite hesitant and even skeptical at first, the sessions with Eline produced results almost immediately and quickly. It is wonderful to feel and experience how your old ballast disappears like snow in the sun, so to speak. How she does it I still don’t understand exactly (although from the beginning she portrays herself as a tremendously knowledgeable professional operating within a safe setting), but her therapy works and the results speak for themselves. I am eternally grateful to Eline for the steps I have been able to take thanks to her and can recommend her therapy to anyone.

Jana - lawyer

‘For years I had all kinds of therapies and attended workshops to get rid of my anxiety and depression. From cognitive therapy and bodywork, I did gain insights, but essentially nothing changed about my depression and anxiety. So I was a little skeptical when I started IEMT, but na just a few sessions I felt a totally different person: lighter and more uncluttered. It is so much calmer in my head now. And I find that I experience much less fear and more love for myself. IEMT changed some deep-seated beliefs of mine that turned out to be there on a subconscious level as well, which is why it is so effective. And in minutes I processed old traumas. I literally felt them dissolve.

I really enjoyed the sessions themselves. I feel in safe hands with Eline. She is a loving and intuitive woman who senses exactly where the pain points are. Because I felt very comfortable, it was easy to surrender to the process. And I recommend it to everyone to undergo IEMT sessions with Eline.

Renate - compliance consultant

‘Difficult experiences in your youth have an effect many years later, both privately and professionally. I had tried all sorts of things to deal differently with these events, which involuntarily made me relive old pains and anger. It has hindered me in many situations.

Eline took me into the world of IEMT with warmth and patience. I must honestly say that, partly because of my other experiences with therapies, I surrendered to this method with reservations. IEMT and Eline did not disappoint me. After only two sessions, I experience that the sharpness of the wounds has disappeared. I also started acting differently in situations that previously caused me anger and frustration. My response to pain has now become controllable and manageable. For me, that’s a big step to be able to move forward.

Hans - manager,

‘Normally I’m not big on having conversations about emotions, but since I was pretty deeply withdrawn into myself after a relationship breakup anyway, this stopped me from moving forward. I did one session with Eline. Her treatment made me feel better immediately. Already during treatment. I now look positively at my future again.

Virgil - cook at Defense

What surprised me the most was that with IEMT, I didn’t actually have to be clear about the cause of my problem at all. Or which direction it should go. Nor did I need any preparation for it. To me, this makes IEMT simpler than E.MDR. Also, the result is deeper and broader than EMDR. So it was that as we explored my problem area, a nasty memory came up totally unexpectedly after all. I really had no idea that I was still suffering from that and that this was related to my problem. Immediately after that one treatment, I felt lighter and energy flowed again – for the first time in ages. And the blockage I felt is gone.

Eline knows exactly what she is talking about. She is professional and has great empathy. I also felt very safe with Eline because she is without judgment. This, in my view, makes the principle of IEMT even more beautiful. Anyone who has a problem with an unclear cause, I recommend exploring it with IEMT. And resolve.

Renske - naturopath

‘Who doesn’t have past issues that can bother you? So do I, and they can have quite an impact in everyday life. I had been working on myself for the past few years, so I had healthy doubts about IEMT. It couldn’t be that simple to solve, could it?

In the session with Eline, my doubts were quickly gone. Her knowledge, calmness, quality and immediate results ensured that. Eline brought out familiar and unfamiliar pieces. Not surprisingly, this provided the breakthrough I was looking for. Finally more peace. Both in my head, and in my body. Thank you, Eline.

I recommend IEMT to everyone if you are looking for a breakthrough. Whether they are issues of the past, or of the present.

Rose - coach

Experiences of others


‘Eline helped me a lot further in my grieving process with her knowledge, her personal experience and with her calm charisma. I felt safe and at ease with her during the sessions. She is open and made me feel accepting of my own process. At the same time, she took charge in a pleasant way.

The sessions have given me a lot. I feel like I can move on again. I have taken an important step in my own grief and thus my personal development.

Mirjam - psychologist
‘It cannot be captured in a few sentences how much the IEMT program has meant to me. What was most important to me is that Eline really saw me and handed me exactly what I needed. As a result, it felt like a collaboration.
Through Eline, I managed to fully face my traumatic childhood and dare to feel it down to every cell. This allowed me to process (all) stored pain and grief. Never before have I achieved such great results. Indeed, to my mind I was out of treatment and my problems were too complex. Thanks to her expert and compassionate guidance, I no longer live in the past.
Yfke - creative entrepreneur
‘In several sessions, Eline helped me tremendously by addressing issues, which were not sitting well. What struck me is that IEMT is a safe way and hardly needs any preparation. Eline knows after short conversations exactly, which things need attention. And very special things came up.

Eline is very knowledgeable, professional and has very great empathy. I can recommend it to anyone who wants to work on themselves or resolve trauma to do IEMT. Eline’s added value is extremely high.

All in all, I have been made blockade-free and am looking forward to the future!

Erwin - innovation manager

I met Eline by chance through my personal network. At that point, I got stuck in more ways than one. I couldn’t even begin to process multiple traumatic experiences from my past through regular counseling.

Although I was quite hesitant and even skeptical at first, the sessions with Eline produced results almost immediately and quickly. It is wonderful to feel and experience how your old ballast disappears like snow in the sun, so to speak. How she does it I still don’t understand exactly (although from the beginning she portrays herself as a tremendously knowledgeable professional operating within a safe setting), but her therapy works and the results speak for themselves. I am eternally grateful to Eline for the steps I have been able to take thanks to her and can recommend her therapy to anyone.

Jana - lawyer

‘It may sound a bit exaggerated to some, but I think Eline is the best thing that has happened to me in a long time! I am enormously grateful to Eline for all her loving sessions. As a result, I made very big strides in recent months: privately, but certainly also professionally. I now coach much more from my own strengths because I have more confidence. During the sessions, I felt myself growing inside. I really felt that change forming in my body. What an amazing and indescribable experience!

I immediately felt familiar and very comfortable with Eline. The big advantage is that you don’t have to tell that much and you get started almost immediately. And you benefit immediately.

Also, Eline is very professional and puts a lot of time into a session, the next day a quick chat via whatsapp about how you are feeling and a week later sometimes a phone evaluation of half an hour about the session conducted. So the price may be quite high, but I think it’s well worth my money!

Annegien - coach

‘For years I had all kinds of therapies and attended workshops to get rid of my anxiety and depression. From cognitive therapy and bodywork, I did gain insights, but essentially nothing changed about my depression and anxiety. So I was a little skeptical when I started IEMT, but after just a few sessions I felt like a totally different person: lighter and more uncluttered. It is so much calmer in my head now. And I find that I experience much less fear and more love for myself. IEMT changed some deep-seated beliefs of mine that turned out to be there on a subconscious level as well, which is why it is so effective. And in minutes I processed old traumas. I literally felt them dissolve.

I really enjoyed the sessions themselves. I feel in safe hands with Eline. She is a loving and intuitive woman who senses exactly where the pain points are. Because I felt very comfortable, it was easy to surrender to the process. And I recommend it to everyone to undergo one or more IEMT sessions with Eline.

Renate - compliance consultant
‘Difficult experiences in my youth still have an effect many years later, both privately and professionally. I had tried all sorts of things to deal differently with these events, which involuntarily made me relive old pains and anger. It has hindered me in many situations.

Eline took me into the world of IEMT with warmth and patience. I must honestly say that, given my other experiences with therapies, I surrendered to this method with reservations. IEMT and Eline did not disappoint me. After just two sessions, I experienced that the sharpness of the wounds disappeared. I also now act differently in situations that previously caused me anger and frustration. My response to pain has now become controllable and manageable. For me, that’s a big step to be able to move forward.

Hans - manager

‘Normally I’m not big on having conversations about emotions, but since I was pretty deeply withdrawn into myself after a relationship breakup anyway, this stopped me from moving forward. I did one session with Eline. Her treatment made me feel better immediately. Already during treatment. I now look positively at my future again.

Virgil - cook at Defense

‘What surprised me the most was that with IEMT I didn’t actually have to be clear about what was causing my problem at all. Or which direction it should go. Nor did I need any preparation for it. To me, this makes IEMT simpler than EMDR. Also, the result is deeper and broader than EMDR. So it was that as we explored my problem area, a nasty memory came up totally unexpectedly after all. I really had no idea that I was still suffering from that and that this was related to my problem. Immediately after that one treatment, I felt lighter and energy flowed again – for the first time in ages. And the blockage I felt is gone.

Eline knows exactly what she is talking about. She is professional and has great empathy. I also felt very safe with Eline because she is without judgment. This, in my view, makes the principle of IEMT even more beautiful. Anyone who has a problem with an unclear cause, I recommend exploring it with IEMT. And solve it.

Renske - naturopath
‘Who doesn’t have past issues that can bother you? So do I, and they can have quite an impact in everyday life. I had been working on myself for the past few years, so I had healthy doubts about IEMT. It couldn’t be that simple to solve, could it?

In the first session with Eline, my doubts were quickly gone. Her knowledge, calmness, quality and immediate results ensured that. Eline brought out familiar and unfamiliar pieces. Not surprisingly, this provided the breakthrough I was looking for. Finally more peace. Both in my head, and in my body. Thank you, Eline.

I recommend IEMT to everyone if you are looking for a breakthrough. Whether they are issues of the past, or of the present.

Rose - coach


Would you like to make an appointment?

More information? Checking to see if IEMT is right for you?
Call or email me for a no-obligation, phone consultation:

Eline Wessels
call or Whatapp 06 – 21833535

Session duration: 60 min
cancellation up to 24h is free of charge

FOLLOW: ‘IEMT with Eline’ on Facebook & Instagram

IEMT with Eline
Vloedwal 24


Chamber of Commerce 76090590 | VAT ID NL003042751B63
advanced IEMT practitioner ( 09689977)